Mr. Bass's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to assist parents and students in my classes to know what we did in class on any given day.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Friday at last

Well everyone, it's Friday. We made it through the first week. I hope you all get plenty of rest over the weekend and are ready to start fresh on Monday.

In Modern Media today we expanded on what we did yesterday and analyzed a piece of media using the Media Literacy Paradigm. Most of you completed it in class, but if you didn't, you need to bring it back Monday finished.

English 10 took a reading and literary analysis pre test for the semester. This gives me an idea of where you are currently and will allow me to alter the curriculum to serve you best.

Creative Writing presented their inventions and found out what each thing actually did. During the presentations we recorded the audio for a test for upcoming podcasts that we will be doing. Once that was done we did an exercise in which three words were given to the class. They then had to whittle that word down one letter at a time until only the word "a" was left. Below is an example.


The words that they were given were: Literary, Secretary and Bladders. Only one group is done so far.

Good weekend to ya.


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