Mr. Bass's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to assist parents and students in my classes to know what we did in class on any given day.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

What a day!!!

What a morning I had. On the way to work a tie rod on my car broke, luckily I was just getting gas and the attendant said he could fix it right there. He did. I barely got to school before 1st hour. But here I am, I'm just happy that it didn't happen on the interstate and that my kids weren't in the car.

But now school is here and things are good.

Modern Media -- Today in class we took notes over the communication process and how it connects with media. We will have a test next Friday over this and other information. Tomorrow everyone is supposed to bring a form of media to analyze using the media literacy paradigm.

Creative Writing -- We did our first writing assignment in class today. Everyone wrote one page about their writing process. The purpose here is to analyze each individual's writing process so that when we actually start writing for real they will have already thought about how to approach the assignment. Tomorrow we will be presenting our inventions that we began yesterday.

English 10 -- We also wrote in English 10 today about what qualities make a good friend. This is simply for me to see what kind of a writer each student is currently and to see what stregths and weaknesses we already have.

I hope everyone had a great day, tomorrow's Friday, the first week is almost done.


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